6.7 Cummins Oil Capacity (How Much Oil Does it Take?)


Hey there, truck lovers! Today, we’re going to talk about something super important for keeping your big, powerful truck running smoothly – oil changes.


Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Oil changes? Boring!” But trust me, if you want your truck to keep hauling those heavy loads and climbing those steep hills, you need to pay attention to this stuff.

We’re going to focus on the 6.7 Cummins engine. This is a real beast of an engine that you’ll find in many Dodge Ram trucks.


By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly how much oil this engine needs, why it needs it, and how to change it yourself if you’re feeling handy.

6.7 Cummins Oil Capacity

6.7 Cummins Oil Capacity


So, let’s dive in!

What Is the 6.7-liter Cummins Engine?

First things first, let’s talk about what makes the 6.7-liter Cummins engine so special.

  • It’s a diesel engine
  • You’ll find it in Dodge Ram 2500 and 3500 pickup trucks
  • It’s super powerful – we’re talking up to 400 horsepower
  • It can produce a massive 1,000 pound-feet of torque

Now, if you’re not a truck expert, you might be wondering what all that means. This engine is like having a small army under your hood. It can tow over 31,000 pounds when it’s set up right. That’s like pulling a whole house down the street!

But here’s the cool part – even though it’s super strong, it’s also pretty good on fuel. And get this – you might only need to change the oil every 15,000 miles. That’s a lot of road trips before you need to worry about maintenance!

Does 6.7-Liters Mean the Required Oil?

Now, here’s where some people get a bit confused. They see “6.7-liter” and think, “Oh, that must be how much oil it needs.” But that’s not quite right.

The 6.7-liter part is talking about something called engine displacement. That’s a fancy way of saying how much space the engine’s cylinders take up. It’s not about oil at all!

To put it simply:

  • 6.7 liters = about 408.7 cubic inches of space inside the engine.
  • This space is where the engine does its work, not where the oil goes.
  • The engine needs way less oil than 6.7 liters (we’ll get to the exact amount soon).

So remember, when you see “6.7-liter Cummins,” that’s just telling you how big and powerful the engine is. It’s not a guide for your oil changes!

Why Do Engines Need Oil?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of oil capacity, let’s talk about why oil is so important. Think of oil as the blood of your engine. Just like your body needs blood to function, your engine needs oil to keep running smoothly.

Here’s what oil does for your engine:

  • Lubrication: It keeps all the moving parts sliding smoothly instead of grinding against each other
  • Cooling: It helps carry heat away from the hot parts of the engine
  • Cleaning: It picks up dirt and debris, keeping the engine clean inside
  • Protection: It forms a barrier between metal parts, preventing wear and tear

Without oil, your engine would overheat, wear out quickly, and eventually stop working altogether. That’s why it’s so important to use the right amount of oil and change it regularly.

6.7-liter Cummins Oil Capacity With Filter

Alright, now for the big question – how much oil does the 6.7-liter Cummins engine need?

  • The answer is 12 quarts.

That’s the maximum amount of oil this engine should have. Here’s what you need to know:

  • 12 quarts = about 11.4 liters
  • This includes the oil in the filter
  • The oil filter holds about 1 quart of oil

Now, here’s something to keep in mind. When you drain the oil for a change, you might not always get exactly 12 quarts out. That’s normal! Some oil can burn off over time, and there might be tiny leaks here and there.

But if you’re draining the oil and you get way less than 12 quarts, that could be a sign of a bigger problem. It might mean you have a serious leak somewhere. If that happens, it’s best to get your truck checked out by a professional.

6.7-liter Cummins Oil Capacity Without Filter

Remember how we said the oil filter holds about 1 quart of oil? Well, if you’re ever in a situation where you’re measuring the oil without the filter, you’ll want to know this:

The oil capacity without the filter is 11 quarts.

But here’s the thing – you always want to use an oil filter. The filter’s job is to clean out all the little bits of dirt and metal that can get into the oil as it moves around the engine. Without a filter, your oil would get dirty really fast, and that’s not good for your engine.

What Is the Capacity in Liters?

I know some of you might be more comfortable thinking in liters instead of quarts. No problem! Let’s do a quick conversion:

  • 12 quarts = about 11.4 liters

So if you’re buying oil in liter bottles, you’ll need just over two 5-liter bottles to do a full oil change on your 6.7-liter Cummins engine.

What Is the Capacity in Gallons?

And for those of you who like to think in gallons:

  • 12 quarts = 3 gallons

So you’ll need a bit over 3 gallons of oil for a complete oil change.

Here’s a handy table to sum it all up:

Measurement Oil Capacity
Quarts 12
Liters 11.4
Gallons 3

Remember, these numbers are for all 6.7-liter Cummins engines made since 2008. But it’s always a good idea to double-check your owner’s manual, just to be sure.

When Should I Change The Oil and Filter?

Now that you know how much oil your engine needs, you might be wondering how often you need to change it. The 6.7-liter Cummins is pretty impressive in this department.

Here’s the general rule:

  • Change the oil every 15,000 miles or 24,000 kilometers
  • If you don’t drive that much, change it at least once a year

For most people, 15,000 miles is about a year’s worth of driving. But even if you don’t drive that much, it’s a good idea to change your oil once a year anyway. Oil can break down over time, even if you’re not using it.

Don’t worry if you’re not good at keeping track of your mileage. Your truck will remind you when it’s time for an oil change. You’ll see a warning pop up on your dashboard display. This warning will stay on until you change the oil and have it reset.

How to Change Oil Yourself?

Feeling handy? Changing your oil can save you some money. Plus, it’s kind of fun to get to know your truck better.

Here’s how to do it:

You Will Need:

  • Safety gloves
  • 14mm Ratchet wrench
  • Oil collection pan
  • New Oil Filter
  • A suitable car jack
  • Wheel blocks
  • New oil (remember, 12 quarts or about 11.4 liters)
  • A funnel

The Process:

  1. Find the drain plug: It’s under your truck, usually near the front.
  2. Block the wheels: Put wheel blocks behind your back tires so the truck doesn’t roll.
  3. Jack up the truck: Use a jack that can handle at least 75% of your truck’s weight. Be careful – safety first!
  4. Drain the oil: Put on your gloves, place the oil pan under the drain plug, and use the wrench to remove the plug. Let all the oil drain out.
  5. Change the filter: Once the oil’s drained, put the plug back in and change the oil filter. Your manual will tell you how to do this.
  6. Add new oil: Open the hood, find the oil cap, and use a funnel to pour in the new oil. Use all 12 quarts.
  7. Check the level: Wait a few minutes for the oil to settle, then use the dipstick to check the level. Add more if needed.
  8. Clean up: Wipe up any spills, put the cap back on, and close the hood.
  9. Start it up: Turn on the engine and let it run for a few minutes. Listen for any weird noises.
  10. Reset the warning light: Your manual will tell you how to do this.

And that’s it! You’ve just changed your oil. Pretty cool, right?

What Kind of Oil Should I Use?

Now, you might be wondering what kind of oil to put in your 6.7-liter Cummins engine. Here’s what you need to know:

  • The best oil for most diesel engines is 15W40 multigrade oil
  • This oil works well in both hot and cold temperatures
  • Always check your owner’s manual for the recommended oil type

Using the right oil is super important. The wrong oil can cause all sorts of problems, from poor performance to engine damage. So always use what’s recommended in your manual.

Tips for Maintaining Your 6.7 Cummins Engine

Changing your oil regularly is a big part of keeping your engine healthy, but it’s not the only thing. Here are some other tips to keep your 6.7 Cummins running smoothly:

  • Check your oil level regularly: Even between changes, it’s good to check your oil level every few weeks.
  • Listen to your engine: If you start hearing unusual noises, get it checked out.
  • Keep it clean: A clean engine runs better and lasts longer.
  • Use good fuel: Quality diesel fuel can help keep your engine running smoothly.
  • Don’t ignore warning lights: If a warning light comes on, don’t ignore it. Get it checked out as soon as possible.
  • Follow the maintenance schedule: Your owner’s manual has a schedule for all sorts of maintenance. Follow it!

The Importance of Regular Oil Changes

I know we’ve talked a lot about oil changes, but I really can’t stress enough how important they are. Here’s why:

  • They keep your engine running smoothly: Fresh oil lubricates better than old oil.
  • They help your engine last longer: Regular oil changes can add years to your engine’s life.
  • They improve fuel efficiency: A well-lubricated engine runs more efficiently.
  • They can catch problems early: During an oil change, you or your mechanic might notice other issues that need attention.

Think of oil changes as cheap insurance for your engine. A little bit of time and money spent on regular oil changes can save you from big, expensive repairs down the road.

FAQs About 6.7 Cummins Oil Changes:

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Here are some common questions people ask about changing the oil in a 6.7-liter Cummins engine:

  • Q: Can I use synthetic oil in my 6.7 Cummins?

A: Yes, you can. Many people prefer synthetic oil because it lasts longer and protects the engine better. But it’s also more expensive.

  • Q: What happens if I put too much oil in my engine?

A: Too much oil can be just as bad as too little. It can cause foaming, which reduces the oil’s ability to lubricate the engine. Always stick to the recommended amount.

  • Q: How long does an oil change take?

A: If you’re doing it yourself, plan for about an hour. A professional can usually do it faster.

  • Q: Can I drive my truck right after an oil change?

A: Yes, but it’s a good idea to let the engine run for a few minutes first to make sure everything’s working right.

  • Q: How much does a professional oil change cost for a 6.7 Cummins?

A: Prices can vary, but expect to pay between $100 and $200. Remember, you’re paying for 12 quarts of oil plus labor.

Also Check:


Whew! We’ve covered a lot of ground, haven’t we? Let’s wrap it all up:

  • The 6.7-liter Cummins is a powerful diesel engine used in Dodge Ram trucks.
  • It needs 12 quarts (11.4 liters or 3 gallons) of oil for a full oil change.
  • You should change the oil every 15,000 miles or once a year, whichever comes first.
  • You can change the oil yourself if you’re comfortable doing it, or you can have a professional do it.
  • Regular oil changes are super important for keeping your engine healthy and running well.

Remember, your truck is a big investment. Taking care of it with regular maintenance like oil changes will help it last longer and run better. Plus, there’s something satisfying about knowing you’re taking good care of your vehicle.

So the next time you hear that oil change reminder ding, don’t ignore it. Whether you do it yourself or take it to a pro, make sure your 6.7 Cummins gets the oil it needs. Your truck will thank you for years of reliable service.

Happy driving, and may all your roads be smooth!

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